Bored in the bedroom? Worried that lack of sex is stealing your joy and connection with your partner? Or frustrated that your solo hook-ups are always disappointing? In eight weeks' time you could be having the best sex of your life...
We can feel helpless when our sex lives aren't going to plan. But we were never taught how sexual pleasure works (hint - it's NOT like in the movies), and we're embarrassed to talk about it. So it's no surprise!
Go on a learning journey and you'll be mind-blown how easy it is to create joy, fun and variety. Join the hundreds of Passion8 Programme graduates - singles and couples, ages 20s to 80s - who are now experiencing their best-ever sex.
I'm Ruth Ramsay - you may know me from my TEDx talk, Revamp Your Sex Life In Six Minutes. The talk has helped millions of people create happier sex lives.
Now you can access my support and wisdom to take your own journey towards the sex you most desire. Passionate? Connected? Loving? Kinky? Playful?... Over eight modules on The Passion8 Programme, you'll create your own unique roadmap to the sex life YOU want, achievable within YOUR lifestyle.
If you're wondering "Can we reignite the spark in our relationship?" YES, you can - Passion8 has achieved this for dozens of couples. Happy-ish... but want to spice things up? Passion8 will take you to heat rating 10/10!
What if you're solo, but wanting to get your next sexual relationship right? After Passion8, you'll go into your next relationship clear about what you need and avoid falling into the old patterns that have cost you pleasure before.
Eight module online course (module details below)
Recommended one module per week, but access for four months, for self-paced learning
Each module comprises a 60-75 minute presentation from Ruth, accompanying workbook and extensive resource list
Create your own unique roadmap to more pleasure
Optional support framework to help you keep on track
Suitable for all genders and sexualities, singles and couples (option to book a solo place or couples' place)
Money-back if you're not satisfied (subject to T&Cs)
Purchase online with intro materials available immediately
Book coaching with Ruth for special Passion8 price, for three months post-purchase
Module One: Your Core Erotic Type. Understand your core erotic personality so you can move forward from a place of knowledge
Module Two: Your Erotic Mind. Release negative mental patterns and beliefs, choose empowering new ones, and discover your mind's deepest turn-ons
Module Three: Your Erotic Body. Be knowledgeable about your anatomy and the science of arousal (they didn't teach you this at school!)
Module Four: Partners In Bliss. Learn to confidently communicate and empathise with a partner, and ensure everyone's needs are blissfully met
Module Five: Prioritising Pleasure. Stop "never having time" for sex, with practical tools to create time and motivation - whatever life throws at you
Module Six: Between The Sheets. Apply what you've learnt to what actually happens when you get it on - be that solo or with company
Module Seven: Fantasies & Beyond. Fantasies, kink, ethical non-monogamy... Learn how to bring chosen elements into your sex life safely and healthily, should you wish to.
Module Eight: A Passionate Life. Bring it all together into sexual experiences that will blow not only your mind but also your soul

£189 / ~$244 - individual place
£239 / ~$309 - couples' place
(includes extra couples-specific resource)

It Starts With You: Creating The Mindset For Erotic Transformation (workbook)
Sexual transformation begins with you, inside your own mind. This self-coaching workbook will start this process. Lose your fear of addressing this topic and get ready for what Passion8 will do for you.
Let's Talk About Sex - a workshop on intimate communication
If we are having sex with anyone other that ourselves - whether a long term partner or casual partners - we need to be able to talk about it! This workshop will empower you to feel confident and comfortable, and help partners be so too. (Recording of workshop)
Imagine knowing what you want, communicating without shame, and sex being everything you want it to be... The Passion8 Programme gives you that - and so much more.
By proceeding to payment you confirm you have accepted the Passion8 Programme
Terms & Conditions viewable here.
To book a chat with me about whether The Passion8 Programme is the right course for you, and now the right time, click here. Please make clear on the form that you wish to discuss Passion8. I look forward to talking.
"Who is The Passion8 Programme for?"Everyone who wants to learn about sex and about themselves, in order to improve their intimate life. You'll come away with deep understanding of sex, your sexual self, how others might be, how to communicate, how to make time for sex, sex in changing life stages, your fantasies, and lots more. So far the youngest student has been early-20s and the eldest, mid-80s! You do need to be ready and able to imagine the future positively and take action steps towards that. If you feel held back by trauma in the past, please address that first, with therapy or counselling.
"I'm currently single - is there any point in doing Passion8 now?"Being single is actually a GREAT time for this. You can be super-honest with yourself about what you want and need, without taking a partner into account. Imagine going into your next encounter or relationship empowered with that knowledge, along with the communication skills the course will teach you?
"I'd love to do the course, but my partner isn't up for it"I've seen relationships transformed by one partner taking the course (typically a female partner in a heterosexual relationship who hasn't necessarily told her boyfriend/husband that she's even doing the course...). Sometimes it takes one partner to be brave and take a step like this initially alone.
"Will I have to do a full-moon dance, buy a crystal yoni egg, and other woo-woo stuff?"No! The Passion8 Programme uses coaching methodology and is based around verbal and written exercises and learning. Of course if singing, dancing and crystals are your thing, you're welcome to add those. The course supports you in finding what’s right for YOU.
"Are there practical exercises?"No, there are no practical exercises or homework. There is plenty that may inspire you to explore practically! - but that's entirely up to you, at your own pace.
"Something bad happened to me and I haven't been able to enjoy intimacy since. Will this course help?"The fact you're even considering this course suggests you're on a path of healing, which is great. However, coaching is suited to people who are ready to look positively into their future and take active steps forward. If trauma from the past holds you back, then counselling/therapy with a trained psychotherapist is a better first step. [In the UK, mental health charity MIND has a comprehensive list of support organisations. Search engines will help you find similar in other countries.]
“What if I have questions during the course – do I get 1-2-1 time with you?”I am available throughout the course on email to answer quick questions (ones that will take me less than ten minutes to reply to). If you need more in-depth support, you can arrange a 1-2-1 session with me at a special Passion8 members' rate.
"I'm a slow learner, and life is busy - how long do I get access for?"You have access to the full course for six months from date of registration, so you can take longer than eight weeks and fit the course around your lifestyle and learning style. The workbooks and resource lists are yours to download and keep forever.
“What if I sign up, then am disappointed?”If you engage fully with the course, and at the end don't feel it has had any beneficial effect on your sexual life, I'll give you your course fee back (see T&Cs for more on this here). Note - no-one has ever taken me up on this, in fact I often get told after just a couple of modules that the course fee has already been worth every penny!
"Do I keep access to the materials after the course ends?"You have access to the full course materials for six months. You can download the workbooks and resource lists to keep forever.