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Is your fantasy life much wilder, richer - and, whisper it, more satisfying - than your IRL sex life? You're not alone! Rather than feeling ashamed and guilty, you can use this fantasy life to better understand yourself, and bring some of that satisfaction into real life.
"But my fantasies are so weird!", "I'm ashamed of mine, they are SO NOT what I'd want to actually do", "Mine are literally impossible to recreate - space and aliens..." "How on earth do I raise this with my partner?"
In this workshop, I address all this and more. What shapes our fantasy landscape, as individuals and culturally; where our fantasies come from; the clever ways in which they are boosting our mental health; how to judge whether to share them with a partner… And the big question: whether to bring them into reality.
Join me for a fascinating, informative workshop, during which you’ll have the opportunity to analyse your own top fantasies.

In purchasing you are consenting to receiving a link to an educational presentation which explicitly mentions sex.
One link per buyer, access for one month.
B​UY ACCESS NOW FOR £15 / ~$19
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