How on earth did I become a sex coach?
I have helped hundreds of adults directly – and over two million more through my TEDx talk and social media – to consciously create the sexual lives of their dreams. My TEDx talk ‘Revamp Your Sex Life In Six Minutes’ was the tenth-most-watched new TEDx talk of 2023, and I regularly appear in the press as a sex expert.
People are often curious - how on earth did I get into this work?! It all began in 2001, when I signed up for classes at London School Of Striptease. I fell in love with the empowerment, creativity and fun of this art-form, and ditched my career in journalism to take to the stage...

The next 12 years saw me dancing (based in London, UK), running events, teaching striptease and poledance, modelling, writing, appearing in film and TV, and helping set up the first union for adult industry workers in the UK. I campaigned throughout that time for the erotic rights of people with disabilities and won an Erotic Award for this.
I felt hugely empowered by my work. As a striptease artist I saw my diverse audiences empowered by being recognised as sexual beings (for more on this topic see the full version of this article in my Blog). As a teacher I saw my students blossom into confident, joyful people. Sexual empowerment and recognition allowed us all to step into the rest of our lives more confident, energised, healthier and happier.
I left the sexy industries after meeting my soulmate, moving to a village and becoming a stepmum. I grieved for dancing terribly, but my focus was building a happy stepfamily, while working as a fitness trainer. When my stepkids left for university, I allowed myself to acknowledge I wanted more, but returning to dancing wasn’t practical and didn’t feel right. I was drawn to transformational life coaching and studied for a diploma, but it hadn’t occurred to me it could be my way back into working in the sexual world. Then an acquaintance asked me to coach her around sexual happiness and identity: “I can’t think of anyone else I’d be comfortable talking to”. That was my lightbulb moment!
Now I combine my lived experience of sexual energy with finely-developed coaching skills. Coaching is about providing a safe space for the client to deeply explore, guided by my questions: their wants and needs, where these come from, how to bring them to life and much more. Any good coach is non-judgemental, but my life experience adds an extra layer to this. I've been there, seen it, and done most of it too!
Seeing my clients blossom not just in their sexual life but in all areas of their life, and sex transformed for them from something dreaded, tolerated, or absent, into a source of joy and inspiration, brings me the same fulfilment dancing did.
Reaching such a massive audience with my TEDx talk has surpassed my wildest dreams. I can't wait to see what comes next!

I would love to discuss what you most desire from your sexual life, and how you might move towards that...
Looking forward to hearing from you!